Lords Sitting of 13 April 1994 Series 5 Vol. 553

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc1531-3
  3. NHS Management: Codes of Conduct 1,108 words
  4. cc1533-5
  5. Power Generation: Clean Coal Technologies 595 words
  6. cc1535-8
  7. The Elgin Marbles 1,329 words
  8. cc1538-41
  9. London Transport Chairman: Selection 1,369 words
  10. c1541
  11. Coal Industry Bill 121 words
  12. cc1541-75
  13. House of Lords: Constitutional Role 18,670 words
  14. cc1575-96
  15. Disabled Employment Quota System 11,495 words
  16. cc1596-612
  17. Extradition Criteria 7,979 words
  18. c1612
  19. Commons Registration (East Sussex) Bill [H.L.] 22 words