HL Deb 05 March 1992 vol 536 c989
Lord Macaulay of Bragar

My Lords, I beg to move that this Bill be now read a third time.

As I said when moving the Second Reading debate on 14th February, the Bill is supported across party lines and is of considerable importance to the licensed trade and licensing boards in Scotland; and also to the members of the solicitor branch of the legal profession engaged in working with the boards. The Bill remedies significant difficulties recently encountered and effectively reintroduces the single stage transfer of a licence while retaining the temporary transfer provision of Section 51 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990. The Bill is universally welcomed in Scotland. I therefore commend the Bill to your Lordships.

Moved, That the Bill be now read a third time.—(Lord Macaulay of Bragar.)

On Question, Bill read a third time, and passed.