HL Deb 26 March 1991 vol 527 cc954-8

The Chairman of Committees (Lord Aberdare) rose to move, That the Second Report from the Select Committee be agreed to [H.L. Paper 36].

The noble Lord said: My Lords, this was a particularly important meeting of the Offices Committee especially in view of the first item of the report on the Ibbs Report. Perhaps I should say just a brief word of introduction. Sir Robin Ibbs was asked by the Government to conduct an inquiry into the management of another place. His report has now been accepted by the other place and has considerable implications for this House.

The main object of the report was to strengthen financial management and to that end it recommended that all spending on behalf of the House should be borne on the Vote of the House and that the so-called allied service arrangements should be discontinued. In our case, that means that we will be responsible for approving our own expenditure on building work—that is, both capital expenditure and maintenance—and on printing and stationery, rather than relying, as we do at present, on the Department of the Environment for works expenditure and the Stationery Office for stationery and printing.

The Offices Committee and three of its subcommittees—namely, the committees on administration, finance and the staff of the House—have given very careful consideration to the implementation of the Ibbs Report in so far as it concerns this House. Their recommendations appear in this report. Perhaps I may summarise them as follows. First, they recommend a modification of our committee structure to improve financial accountability and control; secondly, that we should join with another place in the new arrangements for building works, including the joint appointment and funding of a Director of Works for the Palace of Westminster as a whole; and, thirdly, the temporary appointment of a professional financial adviser to assist our Principal Finance Officer in the development of the new system.

I believe that the main proposals are clearly set out in the report. However, there is just one other matter in the report to which I think I should draw to your Lordships' attention. It appears under the heading of "Staff of the House". I refer to the recommendation to set up a Select Committee to consider the situation with regard to all the various Select Committees of this House. I beg to move.

Moved, That the Second Report from the Select Committee be agreed to [H.L. Paper 36]—(The Chairman of Committees)

Following is the report referred to:

1 The Ibbs Report

The Committee has considered the implications for the House of Lords of the recommendations of the Ibbs Report on House of Commons services (Commons Paper 38, session 1990–91). The recommendations have been accepted by that House. The Committee believes that they should be applied where appropriate to the House of Lords.

The Committee recommends that the House of Lords should assume direct responsibility for all expenditure on behalf of the House. The "allied service" arrangements, whereby spending on works and on printing, publishing and office equipment arc paid for on the Votes of the Department of the Environment and the Stationery Office respectively, should be discontinued. The House of Lords Vote should thereafter make the necessary provision.

In order to improve financial accountability and control of the House of Lords, The Committee recommends a reform of its own structure—

  1. (a) The membership of the House of Lords' Offices Committee should be reduced in number, while retaining a majority of backbenchers;
  2. (b) The present sub-committees of the Offices Committee should be replaced by the following—

  1. (i) Finance and Staff Sub-Committee;
  2. (ii) Administration and Works Sub-Committee;
  3. (iii) Library and Computers Sub-Committee;
  4. (iv) Refreshment Sub-Committee.

There should no longer be a Select Committee on Leave of Absence and Lords' Expenses or a sub-committee on Works of Art. The Committee recommends that—

  1. (a) Leave of Absence should be brought within the remit of the new Administration and Works Sub-Committee, and Lords' Expenses within the remit of the new Finance and Staff Sub-Committee; and
  2. (b) the Works of Art Sub-Committee should be replaced by an Advisory Panel on Works of Art, of which the chairman should be a member of the Administration and Works Sub-Committee.

The new committee arrangements should come into effect at the beginning of the next parliamentary session.

The Committee also recommends that—

  1. (a) the House of Lords should participate with the House of Commons in new arrangements for works in the Palace of Westminster, including the appointment and funding of a Director of Works for the Palace of Westminster, subject to satisfactory terms being agreed with the House of Commons;
  2. (b) a professional Financial Adviser should be appointed on a temporary basis to assist the Principal Finance Officer in the development of improved arrangements for financial management in the House of Lords.

2 Security

The Committee approved an increase in the complement of the security force for the Palace of Westminster.

3 Staff of the House

A report from the Staff of the House Sub-Committee was made to the Committee, which agreed to—

  1. (a) the creation of a temporary post of Financial Adviser;
  2. (b) the creation of an additional Executive Officer post to assist the Computer Executive.

Select Committees

The Committee endorses a recommendation from the Staff of the House Sub-Committee that a Select Committee should consider the Select Committee work of the House and make recommendations.

4 Appointment of the Librarian

The Committee recommends that the procedure whereby since 1917 the Librarian has been appointed by the House of Lords' Offices Committee, subject to the approval of the House, should revert to the older arrangement whereby, like other staff, the Librarian is appointed by the Clerk of the Parliaments.

5 Jewel Tower—Parliamentary Exhibition

The Committee agreed to a report from the Administration Sub-Committee which welcomed the projected use of the Jewel Tower for a small permanent exhibition on parliamentary history, to be staffed and funded by English Heritage

6 Permission to Photograph

The Committee agreed to a recommendation from the Administration Sub-Committee that Mr. Peter Lavery, who had received permission from the House of Commons authorities to photograph within the precincts of that House in order to produce a book of photographs as a commercial enterprise, should also be allowed to photograph peers and others associated with the House within the precincts of the House of Lords.

7 House of Lords Fees and Security for Costs

  1. (a) The Committee considered the fees payable on judicial proceedings and peerage claims and approved a revision with effect from 9th April 1991 as follows—

(i)Fees on Judicial Proceedings £
Lodgment of Petition of Appeal 30
Entering Appearance 7
Issue of Order of Service 30
Lodgment of Petition not referred to Appeal Committee 30
Lodgment of Joint Petition, from each Party thereto 15
Lodgment of Petition referred to Appeal Committee (including report thereon) 35
Application to waive Security for Costs 15
Lodgment of Case, including laying Case on the 145
Table, entering Appeal in Cause List, Bar fee and Counsel attending Lodgment of Joint Case, including laying Case on the 290
Table, entering Appeal in Cause List, Bar fee and Counsel attending Application to set down for Hearing 30
Issue of Final Judgment 35
(ii)Fees on Peerage Claims Petition of Claimant 30
For each of the first 3 days on which the Committee 75
For Privileges meets For each subsequent day 105
Order for Attendance of a Witness 30
Resolution and Judgment 105
(iii)Fees on Irish Peerage Claims On presentation of Petition 30
Lord Chancellor's Report 30
Order made thereon 30

(b) The Committee also approved the following revision in the judicial taxing fee on bills taxed on or after 9th April 1991 to provide for a charge to be levied on the withdrawal of a bill of costs—

  1. (i) on bills where the amount allowed does not exceed£500, a flat rate of£25;
  2. (ii) on bills where the amount allowed exceeds£500, for every£1 or fraction of£1 an amount of 5p;
  3. (iii) on the withdrawal of a bill of costs which has been lodged for taxation, such fee as may be reasonable having regard to the amount of work done;

Provided that the fee shall not exceed the amount payable under paragraphs (i) or (ii) above if the bill had been allowed in full.

(c) The Committee authorised an increase to£12,000 in the amount given by the Appellants as security for costs in appeals to the House of Lords presented on or after 9th April 1991.

8 Healthcare Arrangements for Staff

The Committee was informed of a proposal for a healthcare service for staff within the Palace of Westminster and authorised a proportion of the cost.

9 Revised Scales of Pay

The Committee approved increases in the remuneration of the Chairman and Principal Deputy Chairman of Committees.

10 Hansard Reporting Staff

The Committee authorised payment of revised late night allowances to permanent staff and revised attendance fees to temporary reporters.

11 Official Shorthand Writer

The Committee authorised a revised scale of fees for the Shorthand Writer, subject to a continuing longer term review of the arrangements for shorthand writing in both Houses.

12 Superannuation

The Committee was informed of a proposal to transfer responsibility for superannuation from the Accountant's Office to the Establishment Office. The Treasury would be undertaking the checking of superannuation awards with effect from 1st April 1991. The Committee authorised payment of a proportion of the cost of this service.

The Committee was also notified of the following awards made under the House of Lords Staff Pension Scheme—

  1. (a) Pension and lump sum to Sir John Sainty KCB, Clerk of the Parliaments, who retired on approved early retirement terms on 1st January 1991;
  2. (b) Pension and lump sum to Mr. W. J. Reid, Assistant Editor, who retired on actuarially reduced early retirement terms on 3rd January 1991.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

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