HL Deb 18 June 1991 vol 530 c76

17 Clause 25, page 16, line I, leave out 'and paragraphs 15 and 18 of Part III' and insert paragraphs 15 and 18 of Part III and Part IV'.

18 Page 16, line 35, leave out from 'facilities' to 'for' in line 36 and insert 'within the boundary of the road or on land adjoining the road as are reasonably required'.

19 Page 16, line 39, leave out subsection (10).

20 Clause 28, page 18, line 4, after 'assignation' insert 'terminates or'.

21 Page 18, line 16, leave out subsection (4) and insert: '(4) Any extension toll order must be made so as to come into force not later than—

  1. (a) the end of the toll period under the previous toll order; or
  2. (b) where the assignation under section 26(1) terminates or is terminated before the end of that period, two years after the termination of the assignation,
whichever is the earlier.'.

22 Page 18, line 24, leave out 'and'.

23 Page 18, line 25, at end insert ', and ( ) section (Report on toll roads and toll orders in Scotland) (report by Secretary of State).'.

Lord Brabazon of Tara

My Lords, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 17 to 23 en bloc. These amendments have already been spoken to. I commend them to the House.

Moved, That the House do agree with the Commons in their Amendments Nos. 17 to 23 en bloc.—(Lord Brabazon of Tara.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.