HL Deb 04 December 1989 vol 513 c728

Lord Northfield asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the cost to the optician of a simple spectacle lens of up to four dioptres correction; and what action they propose to take against opticians who charge £30 for supply to the customer of a pair of such lenses.

Baroness Hooper

The cost to the optician of a pair of uncut ophthalmic spherical lenses of power up to plus 4.00 dioptres manufactured within the UK to British Standards is between £4 and £22 depending upon the power of the lenses and the size of the uncut lens required. To this must be added the cost of glazing, which is between £1 and £14 depending upon the glazing requirements of the spectacle frame. This does not include the price of the spectacle frame or any dispensing fees. Cheaper lenses are available from less developed countries and other sources but these are not always manufactured to a recognised British or International Standard. We would not wish to interfere in the sale of spectacles, which is a private transaction.