Lords Sitting of 25 February 1988 Series 5 Vol. 493

  1. Preamble 29 words
  2. cc1287-8
  3. Dock Labour Scheme 637 words
  4. cc1288-92
  5. Airport Capacity: Development 1,743 words
  6. cc1292-5
  7. Scotland: Community Charge 1,402 words
  8. c1295
  9. Business 99 words
  10. c1295
  11. Standing Orders (Public Business) 129 words
  12. cc1295-314
  13. Copyright, Designs and Patents Bill [H.L.] 9,822 words, 1 division
  14. cc1314-26
  15. Electricity Industry: Privatisation 5,924 words
  16. cc1326-50
  17. Copyright, Designs and Patents Bill [H.L.] 12,550 words, 1 division
  18. cc1351-4
  19. Matrimonial Proceedings (Transfers) Bill [H.L.] 2,052 words
  20. cc1354-9
  21. Statistics of Trade and Employment (Northern Ireland) Order 1988 2,090 words
  22. cc1359-411
  23. Copyright, Designs and Patents Bill [H.L.] 25,303 words
  24. c1411
  25. Keble College Oxford Bill [H.L.] 15 words
  26. c1411
  27. Selwyn College Cambridge Bill [H.L.] 23 words