Lords Sitting of 5 November 1986 Series 5 Vol. 481

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc1099-101
  3. NHS: Hip Replacement Operations 1,291 words
  4. cc1101-5
  5. Acid Rain: Control Measures 1,420 words
  6. cc1105-6
  7. Professions: EC Sectoral Directives 896 words
  8. cc1107-8
  9. Magistrates: Appointment of Disabled Persons 790 words
  10. cc1108-38
  11. Immigration Rules: Statement of Change 16,453 words
  12. cc1138-45
  13. International Fund for Ireland (Immunities and Privileges) Order 1986 3,707 words
  14. cc1145-52
  15. Highlands and Islands Development Board Area Extension Order 1986 3,901 words
  16. cc1152-70
  17. Domestic Heating Standards 10,564 words
  18. c1170
  19. Public Order Bill 9 words
  20. cc1170-1
  21. Housing (Scotland) Bill 56 words
  22. c1171
  23. Housing and Planning Bill 29 words