Lords Sitting of 24 June 1986 Series 5 Vol. 477

  1. Preamble 24 words
  2. cc149-50
  3. Severn Estuary Barrage Study 883 words
  4. cc151-3
  5. ILEA Teaching Pack 990 words
  6. c153
  7. School Expeditions: Safety Procedures 343 words
  8. cc153-5
  9. Test Ban Treaty: Soviet Offer 867 words
  10. c156
  11. Business 98 words
  12. c156
  13. Bournemouth-Swanage Motor Road and Ferry Bill [H.L.] 11 words
  14. c156
  15. Plymouth City Council Bill [H.L.] 11 words
  16. cc156-7
  17. Private Bill Procedure 336 words
  18. c157
  19. Gas Bill 79 words
  20. c157
  21. Safety at Sea Bill 116 words
  22. c157
  23. Health Service Joint Consultative Committees (Access to Information) Bill 6 words
  24. c157
  25. Children and Young Persons (Amendment) Bill 2 words
  26. cc158-79
  27. Wages Bill 11,813 words, 1 division
  28. cc179-83
  29. Chernobyl Accident: Movement of Sheep, Scotland 2,460 words
  30. cc183-223
  31. Wages Bill 21,685 words, 3 divisions
  32. cc223-4
  33. Representation of the People Regulations 1986 772 words
  34. c224
  35. Representation of the People (Scotland) Regulations 1986 42 words
  36. c225
  37. Representation of the People (Northern Ireland) Regulations 1986 36 words
  38. cc225-8
  39. Consumer Safety (Amendment) Bill 1,814 words
  40. cc228-74
  41. Wages Bill 25,233 words
  42. c275
  43. Port of Fosdyke Bill [H.L.] 15 words