Lords Sitting of 23 January 1986 Series 5 Vol. 470

  1. Preamble 21 words
  2. cc327-8
  3. European Airlines: Competition 599 words
  4. cc328-30
  5. Corporal Punishment and European Court Ruling 1,067 words
  6. cc330-1
  7. Telecommunications Planning Orders: Consultations 511 words
  8. cc332-5
  9. Equities: Average Annual Return 1,700 words
  10. c335
  11. Business 97 words
  12. c335
  13. Outer Space Bill [H.L.] 102 words
  14. cc335-46
  15. Westland: Disclosure of Information 5,885 words
  16. c346
  17. Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill [H.L.] 17 words
  18. c346
  19. Australia Bill [H.L.] 65 words
  20. cc347-85
  21. Shops Bill [H.L.] 21,617 words, 2 divisions
  22. c385
  23. Local Government Bill 12 words
  24. cc385-9
  25. Representation of the People (Amendment) Regulations 1985 2,120 words
  26. c389
  27. Representation of the People (Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 1985 43 words
  28. cc389-90
  29. Representation of the People (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 1985 43 words
  30. cc390-8
  31. Gaming (Amendment) Bill [H.L.] 4,675 words
  32. cc398-427
  33. Shops Bill [H.L.] 15,706 words