Lords Sitting of 21 January 1986 Series 5 Vol. 470

  1. Preamble 23 words
  2. cc107-9
  3. Soviet Ballistic Missile Defence Activity 1,247 words
  4. cc109-10
  5. Terrorist Demands and Negotiations 476 words
  6. cc111-2
  7. NATO Secretary-General: Expression of Views 698 words
  8. cc112-5
  9. Manufacturing Industry Output 1,325 words
  10. c115
  11. Business 119 words
  12. cc115-6
  13. Salmon Bill [H.L.] 94 words
  14. cc116-31
  15. Shops Bill [H.L.] 8,719 words, 1 division
  16. cc131-4
  17. Aden: British Evacuation 1,672 words
  18. cc134-43
  19. Stanley Royd Hospital: Food Poisoning Report 4,805 words
  20. cc144-76
  21. Shops Bill [H.L.] 18,406 words, 1 division
  22. cc176-84
  23. Education (Amendment) Bill 4,540 words
  24. cc185-205
  25. Shops Bill [H.L.] 10,650 words
  26. cc205-25
  27. INTERVALS FOR MEALS 11,292 words
  28. c225
  29. British Railways Bill 22 words