HL Deb 02 May 1985 vol 463 cc343-4

3.12 p.m.

Baroness Lane-Fox

My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question standing in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government when they plan to publish their new proposals for changing the way oxygen is delivered to people with breathing difficulties.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health and Social Security (Baroness Trumpington)

My Lords, work is proceeding as fast as possible on the introduction of an oxygen concentrator service. We hope to send out invitations to tender in the next few weeks. We will make a further announcement when arrangements have been completed and the implementation date is known.

Baroness Lane-Fox

My Lords, in thanking my noble friend for that helpful and encouraging reply, I should like to ask whether she is aware that concentrators of American design and manufacture are not suitable to give best results on the British electrical system, while those available from EC countries are. Furthermore, is she aware that there are at least two French firms and one German firm (namely, Drage) which are currently supplying concentrators which provide oxygen at what would be the rate of cycle most beneficial to United Kingdom patients? Therefore, will she ensure that those applications receive at least special consideration?

Baroness Trumpington

My Lords, in answer to my noble friend's question of many parts, she will understand if I do not comment on particular firms, but she may be interested to know that to date 27 organisations have expressed an interest in tendering and our main consideration will be their ability to provide a complete concentrator service. We should of course be delighted if the firms offering the most cost-effective and efficient service were using United Kingdom manufactured concentrators.

Lord Ennals

My Lords, although I very much welcome the statement made by the Minister, does she agree that there have been remarkable advances in producing oxygen both cheaply and efficiently? Bearing in mind that the British Oxygen Corporation is at this stage making enormous profits at the expense of the National Health Service, will she accept that on this side of the House we would enormously appreciate the early movement forward of the documentation and tendering to which she referred?

Baroness Trumpington

My Lords, I thank the noble Lord for what he said, and of course I agree that we shall do what he suggests.

The Earl of Halsbury

My Lords, does the noble Baroness agree that 50 cycles AC is standard for electrical equipment in this country and that it is 60 cycles in the United States, and that either system is sub-optimal when worked on the generating system of the other? Therefore under all circumstances British equipment should be preferred.

Baroness Trumpington

My Lords, I noted with interest the noble Earl's remarks and I have already answered the latter part of his question.

Baroness Lane-Fox

My Lords, may I stress to my noble friend that this fact should be taken into consideration? It is understood that BOC intend to provide concentrators via an American-based firm with a design and manufacture which for the reasons I gave previously would not be so beneficial for patients.

Baroness Trumpington

My Lords, we believe that by selecting suppliers by competitive tender on a regional basis we are introducing the maximum competition to the service at the present time while keeping our options open for the future.