HL Deb 27 October 1982 vol 435 cc490-1

[References are to Bill (155) as first printed for the Commons]

1 Clause 4, page 3, line 23, after '(b)' insert 'it'

The Lord Chancellor

My Lords, the amendments with which in due course I shall ask this House to agree in every case fall into three main groups. In moving Amendment No. 1 I shall be speaking also to Amendments Nos. 3 to 6, 8, 10, 12 and 13. These are basically drafting amendments. They clarify the drafting of certain provisions, and also rectify drafting and typographical errors in the Bill. Amendment No. 1 corrects a typographical error. I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 1.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said amendment.—(The Lord Chancellor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.