Lords Sitting of 20 May 1981 Series 5 Vol. 420

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. c949
  3. Lord Tordoff 32 words
  4. cc949-50
  5. Foreign Aid: Selective Allocation 342 words
  6. cc950-1
  7. London University Medical School Merger 612 words
  8. cc951-3
  9. Seat Belt Wearing: Comparative Statistics 1,162 words
  10. c954
  11. The Caucasus: Military Activity 431 words
  12. cc955-79
  13. The Shops Acts: Trading Hours 14,019 words
  14. cc979-1005
  15. The Madrid Conference: East/West Trade 15,063 words
  16. Armed Forces Bill
    1. Local Government and Planning (Amendment) Bill
      1. c1006
      2. Transport Act 1962 (Amendment) Bill 10 words