Lords Sitting of 30 June 1981 Series 5 Vol. 422

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. cc79-80
  3. Hydrocarbons: Exploration Incentives 438 words
  4. cc80-1
  5. Mr. Anatoly Shcharansky 539 words
  6. cc81-5
  7. The Berwyns: SSSI Notification 1,885 words
  8. cc85-6
  9. House of Commons Elections and the Double Ballot 478 words
  10. c86
  11. Transport Act 1962 (Amendment) Bill 67 words
  12. cc86-100
  13. Social Security Bill 8,058 words, 1 division
  14. cc100-1
  15. Iron and Steel Bill 463 words
  16. cc101-41
  17. Employment and Training Bill 23,039 words
  18. cc141-66
  19. Representation of the People Bill 14,586 words
  20. cc166-87
  21. The Falkland Islands: Sovereignty 11,646 words