HL Deb 07 July 1981 vol 422 cc588-9

3.38 p.m.

The Chairman of Committees (Lord Aberdare)

My Lords, I beg to move the first Motion in my name on the Order Paper. I apologise for drawing your Lordships' attention to rather more mundane matters, but may I say a brief word of explanation of both Motions standing in my name on the Order Paper, as they are complementary. The first refers to Standing Orders relating to Public Business and the second to Standing Orders relating to Private Business. These amendments arise from the Second Report of the Procedure Committee which was agreed to by the House on 5th May last. They make no change in the present procedures followed by the Committee of Selection, nor by me, in making appointments to Select Committees, but they bring these Standing Orders up to date so that they reflect the true state of affairs. I beg to move.

Moved, That the Standing Orders relating to Public Business be amended as follows:—

Standing Order No. 5

Leave out paragraph (1).

Standing Order No. 7 Leave out all the words after "but" in line 5 and insert ("when such a Lord takes the Oath of Allegiance the title or dignity by which he sits in Parliament shall be added in brackets after such higher title or dignity.").

Standing Order No. 60

Leave out Standing Order No. 60 and insert the following new Standing Order— Committee of Selection 3rd April, 1973.

60.—(1) At the commencement of each session the House shall appoint a Committee of Selection consisting of the Chairman of Committees and such other Lords as the House shall name.

(2) The Committee of Selection shall select and propose to the House the names of the Lords to form each Select Committee of the House except the Committee of Selection itself, any Committee otherwise provided for by statute or by order of the House and, unless the Chairman of Committees is of the opinion that the members of any such Committee should be appointed by the Committee of Selection or unless two or more members of that Committee request a meeting for that purpose, the following Committees:

  1. (a) Select Committees on Private Bills;
  2. (b) Select Committees on Opposed Personal Bills;
  3. (c) Select Committees on Opposed Provisional Order Confirmation Bills;
  4. (d) Joint Committees under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936 (Lords Members);
  5. (e) Joint Committees under the Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) Act 1945 (Lords Members).

(3) The Committee of Selection may propose to the House the name of the Lord to be Chairman of a Select Committee.

(4) The Committee of Selection shall select and propose to the House the names of the panel of Lords to act as Deputy Chairman of Committees for each session.

(5) The Chairman of Committees shall have discretion to propose to the House, without reference to the Committee of Selection, the names of Lords to fill casual vacancies occurring in the membership of Select Committees."—(Lord Aberdare.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.