HL Deb 07 July 1981 vol 422 cc589-90
Lord Aberdare

My Lords, I beg to move the second Motion standing in my name on the Order Paper.

Moved, That the Standing Orders relating to Private Business be amended as follows:—

Standing Order No. 95

Leave out Standing Order No. 95 and insert the following new Standing Order— Appointment of Committees: House of, Commons, 109, 110.

95.—(1) The Chairman of Committees shall, unless he is of the opinion that the selected and proposed to the House by the Committee of Selection or unless two or more members of that Committee request a meeting for that purpose, name the Lords to form the following Committees:

  1. (a) Select Committees on Private Bills;
  2. (b) Select Committees on Opposed Personal Bills;
  3. (c) Select Committees on Opposed Provisional Order Confirmation Bills;
  4. (d) Joint Committees under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936 (Lords Members);
  5. (e) Joint Committees under the Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) Act 1945 (Lord Members).

(2) The Chairman of Committees shall name the Lord who will be Chairman of any Select Committee appointed by him in pursuance of this Standing Order.

(3) The Chairman of Committees shall report to the House any appointments made by him in pursuance of this Standing Order."

Standing Order No. 104

Line 3, leave out "Committee of Selection" and insert ("Chairman of Committees in pursuance of Standing Order No. 95".

Standing Order No. 161

Line 5, leave out "Committee of Selection" and insert ("Chairman of Committees in pursuance of Standing Order No. 95").

Standing Order No. 185

Paragraph (1)(a), line 3, leave out "Committee of Selection" and insert ("Chairman of Committees in pursuance of Standing Order No. 95").

Standing Order No. 190

Line 1, leave out "Committee of Selection" and insert ("Chairman of Committees").

Standing Order No. 191

Paragraph (1), line 6, leave out "Committee of Selection" and insert ("Chairman of Committees in pursuance of Standing Order No. 95").

Standing Order No. 209

Paragraph (1), line 5, leave out "Committee of Section" and insert ("Chairman of Committees in pursuance of Standing Order No. 95").

—(Lord Aberdare.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.