Lords Sitting of 30 April 1981 Series 5 Vol. 419

  1. Preamble 21 words
  2. cc1271-2
  3. Cash Remuneration: The Truck Acts 442 words
  4. c1272
  5. British Exports: Non-Price Competitiveness 309 words
  6. cc1273-4
  7. Territorial Army: Man Training Days 912 words
  8. cc1274-6
  9. Concorde: Select Committee Report 806 words
  10. c1276
  11. Animal Health Bill [H.L.] 9 words
  12. cc1276-311
  13. Companies (No. 2) Bill [H.L.] 19,860 words, 2 divisions
  14. cc1311-47
  15. ECC 11th Report: Environment 19,976 words