HL Deb 22 May 1979 vol 400 c230
The LORD PRESIDENT of the COUNCIL (Lord Soames)

My Lords, the rules for the conduct of short Wednesday debates, which are set out in the Companion to Standing Orders, state that until the Whitsun Recess there should be one day set aside each month for short debates. This rule was formulated in 1972 in the context of a normal Session beginning in October. No provision was made for a Session like the present one which begins in May. Plainly, some provision should be made for short debates in the months before the Summer Recess, and, accordingly, I would propose to your Lordships that there should be two Wednesdays—one in June, and the other in July—for short debates. When the House returns after the Summer Recess, short debates will take place as usual, I would suggest, up to the Whitsun Recess of next year.

The usual channels have been consulted, and it was their view that it would be for the convenience of the House if the dates for these debates were 27th June and 18th July. The ballot for the first Wednesday will therefore be held on 13th June; that is the day after the House returns from the Whitsun Recess. This should allow sufficient time for your Lordships to table Motions which will appear in the Minute in the usual way.

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