HL Deb 09 May 1978 vol 391 cc891-2

Baroness STEDMAN rose to move, That the draft Aviation Security Fund Regulations 1978, laid before the House on 2nd May, be approved. The noble Baroness said: My Lords, a defect has been found in the original draft of these regulations, which were laid before Parliament on 23rd March 1978 and approved by the House of Lords on 19th April, and considered by the House of Commons Standing Committee on 20th April 1978. This revised draft laid before Parliament on 27th April differs from the first draft in one word in Regulation 2(2)(d). Your Lordships may be a little surprised to have these regulations brought before you a second time, since they were approved by your Lordships on 19th April. The difficulty is that we found a legal defect in the regulations which were laid before Parliament, and the revised draft differs in only the one word, as I have said. I beg to move.


My Lords, I fear that this Government must be about the most accident-prone on record. But be that as it may, it would not be for me to delay your Lordships by teasing the Government or complaining about this revised draft of the regulations. We approved the last set of regulations when they were considered, and we approve these now.

7.45 p.m.


My Lords, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn during pleasure for five minutes.

[Sitting suspended from 7.45 p.m. until 7.50 p.m.]