HL Deb 28 June 1978 vol 394 c319

[No. 8.]

Clause 13, page 7, line 42, leave out from '(5)' to 'to' in line 44 and insert 'The head of a State's diplomatic mission in the United Kingdom, or the person for the time being performing his functions, shall be deemed to have authority to give on behalf of the State any such consent as is mentioned in subsection (3) above and, for the purposes of subsection (4) above, his certificate.'


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 8. The purpose of the Amendment is to meet the criticisms that, whereas Clause 2(7) specifies who may submit to proceedings on behalf of the State, there is no provision in Clause 13 as to who should be deemed to be entitled to give the consent of the State to execution or to the issue of relief against it by way of injunction and similar remedies. The new clause provides that it is the Head of the State's diplomatic mission who shall be deemed to be competent to give such consent.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(The Lord Chancellor.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.