HL Deb 08 June 1978 vol 392 cc1379-80

My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether, as the new Merchant Shipping Bill is likely to be non-controversial, time can be found for its passage this Session.


My Lords, unfortunately there is insufficient Parliamentary time for this substantial Bill this Session, but the Government remain committed to it and will introduce it at the earliest suitable opportunity.


My Lords, is my noble friend aware that there is complete unanimity about the need for this Bill? —particularly because of the safety regulations abroad merchant vessels. Is he aware that the British Council of Shipping want it, the navigating officers' union want it, and the National Union of Seamen want it? There is practically no opposition and the Bill could go through almost "on the nod". In view of the enormous number of casualties that take place on board merchant ships —in fact, there are more than in the mining industry, apart from fatalities, which are greater in the mining industry —the urgency is paramount. Will the noble Lord ask his right honourable friend to reconsider the matter and try to push this Bill through?


My Lords, I shall certainly draw the attention of my right honourable friend to the noble Lord's remarks, but I am certain that there are many other desirable pieces of legislation also in the pipe-line, and I can only take advice. "There is no time in this Session to pass this Bill.


My Lords, apart from the fact that the Bill is broadly acceptable to all the organizations which are most concerned, can the noble Lord confirm that it needs to be enacted soon in order to meet our international commitments and also to validate what the shipping industry and the navigational and pilots' services are all ready to put into effect? As it is most unlikely to be politically controversial, will the Minister confirm that it should not take very much time going through Parliament?


My Lords, on the second point, I could never give such a guarantee; all sorts of strange things happen during the passage of a Bill. However, I can say that the Government's commitment continues, which is indicated by the fact that the draft clauses of the Bill were recently published in a White Paper entitled, Action on Safety and Pollution at Sea: New Merchant Shipping Bill. This was raised on 15th May. It is clearly an important measure, but there is not time for it this Session.


My Lords, if the whole of your Lordships' House all voted in favour of this Bill, could the noble Lord explain why we could not for once have our way, instead of the Government having their way?

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