HL Deb 15 November 1976 vol 377 cc1005-6

24 Clause 5, page 5, line 41, at end insert— (5A) The Scheme shall not impose any obligations on dock employers who do not for the time being employ workers on classified work.

The Commons agreed to this Amendment but proposed the following Amendment thereto:

25 Clause 5, page 5, Line 3, leave out ("for the time being").


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons in their Amendment No. 25 to the Lords Amendment No. 24.

Moved, That the House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment to the Lords Amendment.—(Lord Jacques.)


My Lords, may we have an explanation from the Minister as to why the words "for the time being" are being left out? There is no explanation in the document that we are considering.


My Lords, this was a Government Amendment and the Amendment made to it in the Commons is a drafting Amendment. In our view, it further clarifies the intention of the Amendment which was made in response to points raised on Report.

On Question, Motion agreed to.