HL Deb 15 November 1976 vol 377 c1015

58 Schedule 2, page 24, line 37, leave out from "workers" to end of line 40 and insert—

  1. "(a) provision for training and welfare in so far as provision does not exist apart from the Scheme;
  2. (b) the administration of any severance in accordance with the terms of any national agreement of the National Joint Council or other relevant joint industrial negotiating body."

The Commons disagreed to this Amendment for the following Reason:

59 Because it is undesirable to restrict the matters which may be dealt with in the Scheme.


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth not insist on their Amendment No, 58 to which the Commons have disagreed for the Reason numbered 59.

Moved, That this House doth not insist on the said Amendment, to which the Commons have disagreed for the Reason numbered 59.—(Lord Oram.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.