HL Deb 23 June 1975 vol 361 cc1205-6

2.42 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will introduce Regulations making it compulsory for the prominent and priced display, in places where alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are sold to the public for consumption on the premises, of properly authenticated and easily readable lists showing the description, measure and price per unit of measurement in respect of each item offered for sale.


My Lords, wide publicity has recently been given to allegations of overcharging in some licensed premises, and this is a matter of concern to Her Majesty's Government. Consultations on the desirability of price listing are taking place with trade, consumer and enforcement bodies and my right honourable friend hopes to give notice of her plans for dealing with the problem before the Summer Recess.


My Lords, is my noble friend aware that the practice of displaying a clearly marked and clearly printed price list in a common place is already practised in France? In view of the fact that we are now in the European Economic Community, would it not be wise to consult with the colleagues of my noble friend in the EEC with a view to ascertaining how they enforce the charging of the correct price? Is he further aware that the prices being charged at present, at any rate in the London area, are grossly extortionate and have been described in the Daily Mail as being one colossal fiddle?


My Lords, we do not need to go to France. Prices are displayed in many licensed premises in this country. On the 29th April my right honourable friend had consultations with representatives of the Brewers' Society. They agreed to recommend to their members that price lists for inspection by consumers should be sent to all managed houses and it should be an instruction to the managers that they had to display them. Furthermore, they agreed to send to tenanted houses price lists in which the tenant could enter the price charged at that licensed house. This accounts for 73 per cent. of all licensed premises, so some little progress is being made.


My Lords, could my noble friend say whether Her Majesty's Government also intend to ensure that the alcohol content is clearly stated on all drinks that are sold? Is my noble friend aware that frequently beers are sold by utterly spurious statements, such as that they are heavy, and no statement is made of the alcohol content. Many people assume that the alcohol content goes up with the density, which is scarcely true.


My Lords, I am fully aware of the questions raised, but if my noble friend wants answers he must put Questions down on the Order Paper.