HL Deb 25 June 1973 vol 343 c1788

[No. 86] Clause 57, page 51, line 36, leave out from "37(5)," to end of clause and insert "section 39(1) so far as it relates to those sections, section 56, paragraphs 38, 64, 74 to 77, 91, 97, 98, 102, 121, 123, 126, 133 and 134A of Schedule 4 and the entries in Schedule 5 relating to the Polish Resettlement Act 1947, the Dentists Act 1957, the Opticians Act 1958, the Radioactive Substances Act 1960, the Health Visiting and Social Work (Training) Act 1962 and the Order in Council of 1972".


My Lords, this Amendment makes additions to those provisions of the Bill which extend to Northern Ireland. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Lord Aberdare.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.