HL Deb 04 December 1973 vol 347 cc445-7

3.2 p.m.

First Report from the Select Committee considered.

The Report was as follows:

1. FUEL ECONOMY The Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod reported on the measures which had been taken to reduce fuel consumption in the building by approximately 10 per cent. The Committee invite all Peers to help save fuel by turning off lights and radiators when leaving their rooms.

2. APPOINTMENT OF SUB-COMMITTEES (1) The Committee agreed that the rule (agreed to by the House in 1971) that members of the Committee should retire by rotation after three years' services should in principle also apply to Sub-Committees, but that the rule should be applied in such a way as to preserve continuity and to avoid the simultaneous retirement of too many members of a Sub-Committee at any one time.

(2) The following members of the Committee were appointed to the Sub-Committees as follows: (a) Administration Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords.

(b) Library Sub-Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords and to appoint their own Chairman.

(c) Refreshment Sub-Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords and to appoint their own Chairman.

(d) Sub-Committee on the Parliament Office

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords and to appoint their own Chairman.

The Committee recommend that Lord Mancroft be appointed a member of the main Committee in order that he may continue as a member of this Sub-Committee.

(e) Finance Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords.

(f) Works of Art Sub-Committee

With the Clerk of the Parliaments.

With power to co-opt further Lords and to appoint their own Chairman.

3. YEOMAN USHER OF THE BLACK ROD The Committee were informed of the temporary appointment of Group Captain R. M. B. Duke-Woolley, D.S.O., D.F.C., as Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod and Deputy Serjeant-at-Arms during the absence of Colonel C. L. Sayers.

4. PARLIAMENT OFFICE The Clerk of the Parliaments informed the Committee of the appointment of:

  1. (a) Miss Marguerita Marion Pedder, O.B.E., as Head of Establishments from 15th October 1973; and
  2. (b) Mr. Brendan Patrick Keith as Clerk from 1st October 1973.
The Committee agreed to the regrading of one post of Assistant Clerk of the Records as Deputy Clerk of the Records; and to a reconstruction of the Office Assistant grade, involving a rearrangement of duties and the creation of certain new posts. The Committee authorised the rates of pay for the posts affected and the creation of an additional post of Executive Officer.

5. REVISED SCALES OF PAY The Committee sanctioned the application of the following Estacode Circulars:

  1. (a) EC/125: dated 21st August 1973—Pay of Higher Civil Service
  2. 447
  3. (b) EC/119: dated 15th August 1973—Pay of Cleaners
to Officers and staff of corresponding grades in the House of Lords.

6. HANSARD STAFF The Committee took note of a further report by the Clerk of the Parliaments on his consultations with the Pay Board and his negotiations with the Staff Association on their claim on behalf of the Hansard staff. The Committee authorised the Clerk to make an offer of an ex gratia payment to Editors and Reporters in respect of additional duties performed during the summer of 1972.

The Committee authorised the employment of an additional Sub-Editor from the 20th November until the end of 1973.

The Committee also sanctioned the payment of increased charges under the agreement with Haynes Secretarial Services for the supply of typists for the reporting of Debates.

7. ATTENDANTS The Committee authorised the employment of:in additional Attendant during the period from 29th October to 6th November 1973.

8. ESTIMATES The Estimate for the House of Lords for 1974–75 was laid before the Committee and approved.

9. SUPERANNUATION The Committee sanctioned the payment of the following Superannuation awards:

  1. (a) Preserved pension and lump sum to Mr. David Dewar, Senior Clerk, who was seconded to the European Parliament on 4th September 1973.
  2. (b) Preserved pension and lump sum to Mr. Michael Ffrench MacTavish, Senior Office Asistant, who resigned on 31st July 1973.
  3. (c) Pension and lump sum to Mr. John Edward Holden, Attendant, who retired on 6th November 1973.
  4. (d) Pension and lump sum to Mrs. Frances Ellen Tarrant, Housemaid, who retired on 9th September 1973.
  5. (e) Short service gratuity to Mrs. Bridget McCullagh, Housemaid, who resigned on 28th July 1973.


My Lords, I beg to move that this Report be agreed to.

Moved, That the Report be agreed to. —(The Earl of Listowel.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.