§ LORD O'HAGANMy Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.
§ [The Question was as follows:
§ To ask Her Majesty's Government what they are doing to reduce the amount of lead in people.]
§ THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDERSECRETARY OF STATE, DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT (LORD SANDFORD)My Lords, the Government are considering the ways in which lead may enter the human body, and the Chief Medical Adviser has already written to medical officers of health alerting them to the possible dangers and asking them to review the situation in their areas. A number of special studies, additional to the nine announced by my right honourable friend in another place on August 3, are being undertaken into such questions as exhaust pollutants including lead and the measurement of organic lead. The results of these and other investigations will be assessed with the object of taking any further steps that may be necessary to safeguard the public.
§ LORD O'HAGANMy Lords, I thank the Minister for that reply. May I take it from the recent announcement with regard to the reduction of the amount of lead to be allowed in petrol that Her Majesty's Government already accept that there is a link between lead in petrol and lead in people?
§ LORD SANDFORDMy Lords, this is certainly among the topics which are being earnestly considered at the moment.
§ LORD O'HAGANMy Lords, do Her Majesty's Government accept it already, as one would think from the statement that has been made that the amount of lead in petrol is to be reduced?
§ LORD SANDFORDMy Lords, there is a case for considering the reduction of the lead content in petrol. This matter is being pursued.
LORD NUNBURNHOLMEMy Lords, may I ask Her Majesty's Government whether there is any means of getting lead out of the human body once lead is in it?
§ LORD SANDFORDMy Lords, the treatment that most usually is effective is to remove the person affected from the source of the lead.