HL Deb 14 May 1969 vol 302 cc121-2

My Lords, with the leave of the House I should like to inform your Lordships that there will be a formal meeting of the House on Friday, May 16, at 11.30 a.m. The purpose of this formal Sitting is to enable the Royal Assent to be notified for a number of Bills, in particular the Immigration Appeals Bill, if it has been returned to us from another place. Since it is some time since we last had a formal Sitting, I ought to remind your Lordships that it is not the practice to allow attendance at such a Sitting for the purpose of claiming expenses, except with the special authority of the Whips' Committee.

May I also inform your Lordships that at a convenient moment after half-past three, my noble friend the Leader of the House will be making a Statement on the multi-role combat aircraft.