HL Deb 17 April 1969 vol 301 cc190-1

3.11 p.m.


My Lords, I beg leave to ask the Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper.

[The Question was as follows:

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have given any advice to the Roskill Commission on the size of the area which will be required for the third London airport.]


My Lords, the Commission were required to consider the site for a four-runway airport. The Government have made available to the Commission advice on the air traffic control factors which would be likely to affect the size of the area required. The Commission have also received advice from the British Airports Authority about possible runway layouts and other relevant matters affecting the area required. In estimating the likely airport area for the purpose of the local inquiries the Commission will have taken these matters into account.


My Lords, is it not essential in making a selection for this site, to have some idea of the area which is likely to be required? Can the Government give some indication of whether they think that 15 square miles, which is roughly the area suggested in the preliminary Report of the Commission, is adequate, in view of the fact that this is not the third but the fourth and maybe the final international airport which will ever be built in the London area?


My Lords, I am bound to say that I am not quite sure what is worrying the noble Earl. Everyone asked for an independent Commission, not least the noble and learned Viscount who sits next to the noble Earl. An independent Commission have been set up. They have been given all the relevant facts in the matter. They themselves have come to the conclusion that an area of about 7,500 acres would be required for a four-runway airport, and until they finalise their recommendations I think it would be wrong for the Government to lay down any other figures.


My Lords, may I ask the noble Lord whether the Roskill Commission are instructed only to consider the site of the new airport in isolation, or whether it is within their terms of reference to consider other possible developments such as the proposal for a deep water dock in the Thames Estuary, which might be most relevant to the question of the choice of the airport site?


My Lords, the terms of reference of the Commission were: To inquire into the timing of the need for a four-runway airport to cater for the growth of traffic at existing airports in the London area; to consider various alternative sites and to recommend which site should be selected". I think these terms of reference are fairly wide and would take into account various other economic factors.


My Lords, is it not clear that the Commission will be able to have regard to all planning considerations, including whatever plans there may be for the future development of the area in recommending, and deciding to recommend a possible site?


My Lords, I quite agree with the noble and learned Viscount and I am much obliged to him. My impression is that this Commission are going about their job in a most sophisticated and enlightened way.