HL Deb 01 August 1968 vol 296 cc402-3

My Lords, if the House agrees, it is intended to adjourn at about one o'clock for half an hour for lunch.

If I may be allowed on this day, before we rise for the Summer Recess, I should like to take this opportunity, not only for myself but also on behalf of my noble friend the Leader of the House (who is unable to be here this morning), and I am sure on behalf of all your Lordships, to express our gratitude to those who work for us. The Session to date may not have been much longer than usual, but I am sure the House will agree that it has not been without its strains. We have had frequent late Sittings, one especially notable for its intensity, and we have sat on more Fridays than is customary. In addition, we have had our experiment in committing a Bill off the Floor of the House, which has also created additional tasks for the staff.

All this has put a very heavy burden on the servants of the House. We have extended the Hansard team to the limit, and sometimes, I fear, a little beyond; and the same is true of the Doorkeepers, the Refreshment Department, the staff of the Parliament Office and of everyone else who works at this end of our Palace. Despite this strain, I am sure your Lordships will agree that the usual high standards have been maintained by all concerned, and will wish to join me in expressing our thanks.


My Lords, noble Lords on this side of the House would like to join with the noble Lord, Lord Beswick, in what he has said. He has explained it all and said so much about it that I do not think there is any need for me to add anything. We are most grateful, as the noble Lord is, to all those who have served this House so well.


My Lords, I think it is hardly necessary that I should say that we on these Benches entirely associate ourselves with what has been said.


My Lords, from these Benches, and speaking in particular as Chairman of the Committee of the Refreshment Department, I should like very warmly indeed to endorse all that the noble Lord, Lord Beswick, has said. The services which have been given to us have been beyond reproach, and the staff have been most remarkable in their efficiency and kindness.