HL Deb 17 June 1965 vol 267 cc196-7

Order of the Day read for the Bill to be considered on Report.


My Lords, the main purpose of this Order, applied for in November, 1963, under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1936, is to incorporate a body of commissioners to manage and control the salmon fishings in a certain stretch of the River Annan, where since time immemorial fishing rights have been enjoyed by a large number of persons in the locality. There was one Petition against the Order, and as this was not withdrawn the Order became the subject of an inquiry by Parliamentary Commissioners. The Commissioners, after hearing evidence, recommended that the Order should be made, with modifications. The Order now scheduled to the Bill gives effect to the Commissioners' recommendations. I beg to move that the Bill be now considered on Report.

Moved, That the Bill be now considered on Report—(Lord Hughes.)


My Lords, there is only one point that I wish to raise. I do not in the least wish to oppose the consideration of this Order, but I should like to draw your Lordships' attention to the fact that, although it is quite an important Order, it has not been placed in the pigeon-holes where your Lordships might pick up a copy when coming into the House. When there is an important Order of this kind I think that should be done, and that one should not have to go tearing off to the Printed Paper Office to get it. In our consideration, I think we should decide that important Orders of this kind should be placed ready for Peers if they wish to take them up on the way to the House.


My Lords, I was not aware that this position had arisen, and I would completely agree with the noble Lord, Lord Saltoun, in his suggestion. I would go further, and say that anything appertaining to Scotland must be of sufficient importance to get a full measure of equality, and I shall make certain that whoever is responsible for this matter is suitably "rapped".

On Question, Motion agreed to.

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