HL Deb 01 August 1961 vol 234 cc94-5

Clause 62, page 49, line 10, at end insert— ("(8) Nothing in this Part of this Act shall affect any agreement duly made before the commencement of this Act between a local authority and the owner or occupier of any premises with respect to the discharge from those premises of any effluent which would fall within the definition of trade effluent as amended by subsection (1) of this section (but not as unamended.)")


My Lords, I beg to move that this House doth agree with the Commons Amendment No. 29. Clause 62 provides that farm and horticultural effluents and effluents from premises used for scientific research are to be included in the definition of "trade effluent". As such, they will be amenable to control under the Act of 1937 as amended by this Bill. But the Act of 1937, in imposing control on trade effluents, exempts those which were already being discharged under an agreement between the local authority and the owner or occupier of a trade premises before the commencement of the Act. It seems right that Clause 62, in bringing new classes of effluent under control as trade effluent, should make a similar exception in favour of existing effluents in these classes which are the subject of an agreement with the local authority. The new subsection is designed to achieve this. I beg to move.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendment.—(Lord Brecon.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.