HL Deb 17 April 1957 vol 203 c104

My Lords, these Amendments to the Private Bill Standing Orders are a number which have been necessitated by changes in the names of Government Departments and other changes of that kind, and I do not think that I need say anything about them. I beg to move that the Amendment be made.

Moved, That the following Amendments be made in the Standing Orders relative to Private and Provisional Order Confirmation Bills, etc., vizt.:—

Standing Order 30, page 24, line 11, leave out ("Fuel and").

Standing Order 39, page 27, paragraph (1), leave out ("Commissioners of Crown Lands") and insert ("Crown Estate Commissioners"); leave out ("Fuel and").

Paragraph (3), line 24, leave out ("or").

Paragraph (3), line 25, insert ("or Ghana").

Standing Order 175, page 72, line 44, leave out ("6") and insert ("10").

Appendix C, Part VIII, leave out ("£3 18 9") and insert ("£4 14 6"); leave out ("£0 1 3") and insert ("£0 1 6").

—(The Earl of Drogheda.)

On Question, Motion agreed to: the said Standing Orders amended accordingly.