HL Deb 27 June 1956 vol 198 cc94-7

2.48 p.m.

Order of the Day for the consideration of the Fourth Report from the Select Committee read.

The Committee reported as follows:

1.—LIBRARY The Viscount Simonds reported from the Sub-Committee on the Library that they had unanimously recommended the appointment of Mr. Christopher Selby Austin Dobson to succeed Mr. Clay in the post of Librarian. He voiced the Sub-Committee's high appreciation of the services which Mr. Clay had rendered during his long tenure of office. The Committee confirmed the appointment of Mr. Dobson and expressed their sense of the ability and devotion which Mr. Clay had shown in all his duties; they requested the Sub-Committee on the Library to furnish to them a recommendation for the post of Assistant Librarian in succession to Mr. Dobson. The Committee sanctioned the payment of a pension and an additional allowance under the Superannuation Acts to Mr. Charles Travis Clay, C.B.

2.—REFRESHMENT DEPARTMENT The Earl of Gosford, the Lord Blackford and the Lord Macpherson of Drumochter were added to the Sub-Committee. The Earl Fortescue made a statement on the Report of the last meeting of the Sub-Committee.

3.—WAR MEMORIAL The War Memorial accounts 1948 to 1956 were laid before the Committee and approved. The Committee deferred consideration of a site for the erection of the statue displaced by the Memorial window.

4.—CHIEF CLERK, OFFICE OF THE LORD CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES The Committee heard with regret that Mr. A. F. R. D. Ryder, M.C., was due to retire, on attaining the age of 65 years, after 34 years' service. They sanctioned an extension of service to him until the 31st July, 1956, and authorised the payment of a pension and an additional allowance under the Superannuation Acts to him on retirement.

5.—HISTORICAL RECORDS The Committee were informed of the purchase of certain historical manuscripts belonging to Lord Braye, and sanctioned the payment of the cost of the documents.

6.—PAY SUPPLEMENT The Committee sanctioned the application of Treasury Establishments Circular No. 18/56 (Increase in Pay Supplement) dated 13th April, 1956, to the staff of the House of Lords to whom it may be applied.

7.—REVISED SCALES OF PAY The Committee authorised a revised scale of salary for the Staff Superintendent in the Department of the Lord Great Chamberlain. The Committee also sanctioned the application of Treasury Establishments Circulars No. 16/56 (Pay to Women Cleaners) dated 13th April, 1956, and No. 25/56 (Pay of Messengerial, Paperkeeping Grades, etc.) dated 12th June, 1956, to analogous grades of the staff of the House of Lords.

8.—REPORTING STAFF The Committee approved a variation in the agreement with Messrs. H. Craig-Kelly Limited for the supply of typists for the reporting of debates and authorised an increase in the existing rates of pay as from the 1st July, 1956.

9.—COLUMN PRINTER NEWS SERVICE The Committee authorised an increase in the annual payment to the Exchange Telegraph Company Limited for provision of the Column Printer News Service as from the 1st July, 1956.

10.—SUPERANNUATION The Committee sanctioned the adoption of the provisions of the Pensions (Increase) Act, 1956, for the staff of the House of Lords to whom it applies.

11.—RETIREMENT OF AN INSPECTOR OF CUSTODIANS The Committee sanctioned the payment of a pension and an additional allowance under the Superannuation Acts to Mr. George Herbert Thomas Anthony who attains 65 years of age on the 19th July, 1956.

12.—RETIREMENT OF RE-EMPLOYED CUSTODIAN The Committee sanctioned a revised pension and additional allowance under the Superannuation Acts to Mr. Terence O'Donnell on his retirement from 2nd July, 1956, after re-employment for a period of more than three years as an unestablished Custodian.


My Lords, on behalf of my noble friend the Lord Chairman of Committees I beg to move that this Report be now considered.

Moved accordingly, and, on Question, Motion agreed to.


My Lords, I beg to move that this Report be now agreed to. In doing so I believe there are only two matters to which I need invite your Lordships' attention. Those are the impending retirements of two of the officers of your Lordships' House; namely, Mr. Clay, who is the Librarian and who has served for forty-two years in the House, of which he has been librarian for thirty-four years; and Mr. Ryder, Chief Clerk in the Department of the Lord Chairman of Committees, who has served in that capacity for thirty-four years. The Committee, in considering this Report, expressed their deep appreciation of the long service of these two Officers, and in moving this Motion I feel that your Lordships would wish to endorse the opinion of the Committee. I beg to move.

Moved, That the Report be agreed to.—(Lord Merthyr.)


My Lords, I am very glad to be able to support what the Deputy Chairman of Committees has just said to the House about the retiring Officers. The impending retirement of Mr. Clay must fill many of us with a deep sense of regret, because he has grown to be, to us, the most courteous, friendly and knowledgeable person that one could possibly wish for in the position which he has occupied for so long and with such great distinction. We shall be very sorry indeed that he will be no longer with us, and we wish him great happiness in his retirement. We hope that the Officer who follows him will be equally successful as a servant of the House. Mr. Ryder I do not know so well personally, but we have heard excellent accounts of the work which he has done and we wish him well also in his retirement.


My Lords, speaking for noble Lords on these Benches, I should like warmly to associate them and myself with the words of the noble Viscount who has just spoken. We all know Mr. Clay very well, and we have always found him a most friendly and courteous Officer. We shall miss him and we wish him well in the future.


My Lords, I am sure the House would wish to be absolutely unanimous in its support of the remarks to which we have listened from the noble Viscount, Lord Alexander of Hillsborough, concerning these two servants of the House. Both these gentlemen have not only endeared themselves to the House personally but they have done very great service—Mr. Clay in the Library and Mr. Ryder in the service of the Lord Chairman of Committees. I am sure the House would wish to endorse everything that the noble Viscount, Lord Alexander of Hillsborough, has said.

On Question, Motion agreed to.