HL Deb 16 December 1953 vol 185 cc135-6

2.57 p.m.

LORD MANCROFT rose to move, That the Lace Furnishings Industry (Export Promotion Levy) (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1953, be approved. The noble Lord said: My Lords, this Order is made under Section 9 of the Industrial Organisation and Development Act, 1947. It amends the Order made in 1951 which imposes a levy on the lace furnishings section of the lace industry to finance the promotion of exports. The basis of calculation of the levy is the amount of yarn acquired in what is rather picturesquely referred to as a base year and it is the wish of the industry that the base year should be brought forward annually. The purpose of this Amending Order, which, if your Lordships approve this Motion, will come into operation on January 1, 1954, is therefore to advance the base year from 1951 to 1952, and to establish new rates of charge to ensure that the income from the levy remains approximately the same as before; that is to say, at £15,000 a year. Representative organisations of both sides of the industry have been consulted and have raised no objections. Efforts so far have been mainly aimed at increasing exports of lace furnishings to Canada; but, with the reopening of the Australian market, the industry have now turned their attention to that country also.

Moved, That the Lace Furnishings Industry (Export Promotion Levy) (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1953, reported from the Special Orders Committee on Wednesday last, be approved.—(Lord Mancroft.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.