HL Deb 25 June 1952 vol 177 cc391-2

3.5 p.m.


My Lords, the first scheme made under the Agriculture (Fertilisers) Act, 1952, ends on the last day of the present month, and the new scheme which is now before your Lordships is designed to come into operation the following day. The new scheme is essentially the same as the previous one, but we are proposing the payment of a contribution of about 15 per cent. of the present cost of nitrogenous fertilisers, in addition to the existing 30 per cent. on phosphatic fertilisers. Farmers' purchases of fertilisers this season have fallen by about 25 per cent. compared with the two previous years. It was therefore agreed in the last Review of Prices to increase the sum allocated out of the Price Review Award to the fertilisers subsidy. This has enabled us to extend the contribution to include nitrogenous fertilisers, and I believe that this assistance will encourage their greater use. I beg to move that the Order be approved.

Moved, That the Fertilisers (England, Wales and Scotland) Scheme, 1952, reported from the Special Orders Committee on Wednesday, the 18th instant, be approved.—(Lord Carrington.)


My Lords, I should like to say, on behalf of my noble friends on this side of the House, that we warmly welcome this scheme. It will help farmers generally, and above all the small farmers. It will help a great many people engaged in sheep and cattle farming, to whom we are looking for an increased output of meat. We are particularly glad that the Government have thought fit to include nitrogenous fertilisers. A subsidy has been paid in times past for phosphatic fertilisers, but this is the first time that fertilisers of this type have been included. I am certain that this will help many farmers who might otherwise not have been able to maintain or increase the fertility of their soil.

On Question, Motion agreed to.