HL Deb 10 June 1952 vol 177 cc2-5

2.40 p.m.


My Lords, I have felt that it is right that I should take an early opportunity of making a statement to the House on certain recent events in the Bamangwato territory. As your Lordships will remember, a deputation composed of certain members of the tribe recently visited this country, for the purpose of asking Her Majesty's Government to reverse the decision to which they had come with regard to the future of Seretse Khama. I had two interviews with them. I listened to everything that they had to say, which contained nothing new, and explained to them at length the reasons why it was not possible for the Government to alter its decision. I also gave to them a document incorporating my statement to them, in order that they might transmit it to their fellow tribesmen, and told them that in order that the expenditure on their journey should not fall on the tribal funds Her Majesty's Government would defray the cost of their tickets. It will therefore be clear that they were treated not only with courtesy but with generosity.

On May 21 the deputation arrived back in Serowe. On May 26 the District Commissioner proceeded to the kgotla ground in order to announce to the tribe the terms of my reply to the deputation and the Government's further policy. He found there a number of tribesmen, not large but extremely vociferous, who had obviously been organised for the purpose of preventing the Government's views being communicated to the tribe; and in fact the statement could not be made. Tribesmen who wished to speak and to listen to the Government statement were prevented from doing so. This was clearly a deliberate challenge to the authority of the Government and firm action became necessary. It was essential to prevent misuse of the traditional meeting place by a minority group.

Accordingly, on May 31 the District Commissioner issued orders that no meetings should be held in the kgotla-place without his permission and that Khama's old law restricting the brewing and consumption of liquor should be strictly enforced. Two attempts on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning to defy the first order were successfully dealt with by the police. But unfortunately on Sunday afternoon, June 1, concerted attacks were made by a bigger crowd, many of them the worse for drink and among whom were many women, on the small force of police stationed at the kgotla ground, Two European officers, who with great gallantry stood their ground, were seriously injured before being rescued by police reinforcements. Eventually, in the face of a hail of stones and sticks the police had to retire, leaving the mob in possession of the kgotla-ground. Three African policemen were, unhappily, Killed.

The situation remained difficult until reinforcements had been brought in from Basutoland and Southern Rhodesia. With the arrival of these reinforcements and the Commissioner of Police from Mafeking the situation was rapidly restored. Raids in Serowe resulted in the arrest of the ringleaders and many of those responsible for Sunday's rioting. Constant patrolling restored order throughout the town. The police then turned to other areas which might be affected. The Administration and the police are now in complete control of the situation and it is expected steadily to improve.

It is clear from all the reports I have received that this was a deliberate attempt by a small faction of the tribe to flout the authority of Government.

Only a minority of the tribe took part in the disturbances—a maximum of 800 out of a total population in the Reserve of 100,000. It is significant that, after the kgotla on May 26, many leading Bamangwato, concerned at the deliberate defiance of Government and the discourtesy shown to Her Majesty's representative, went to the Administration for advice and guidance.

Secondly, a considerable proportion of the rioters were under the influence of drink. This, in itself, is evidence of that serious deterioration in the tribe to which I have referred in earlier statements. The first step must be to restore law and order and to punish the ringleaders for this breach of the peace, which has led to the death of three police officers in the execution of their duty. Steps are already being taken to this end, and also to transmit to the general body of the tribesmen the statement of Government policy which it was the object of the dissident faction to keep from them. There is good reason to hope that, when that has been done, the great majority of the tribe, who are moderate, loyal and peaceable, will turn to the essential business of selecting a new chief.


My Lords, I am sure that the whole House is grateful to the noble Marquess for the statement which he has just made. May I add these few thoughts? In the first place, firm action is obviously necessary to restore law and order. No Government worthy of the name can allow a complete breach of law and order to take place, and the Government certainly have our support in seeing that law and order are restored. But firm action is to be deprecated if it is used as an excuse for not adopting constructive ideas to deal with the difficulty that has arisen, in order to carry with them the bulk of men of good will. I sincerely hope that at a not distant time the noble Marquess the Leader of the House will have an opportunity of telling the House what constructive ideas he has in mind to deal with the very difficult situation which has arisen. In that event, I should certainly desire, on behalf of the Opposition, to afford him an opportunity of making a further statement. Therefore, I reserve the right to return to this matter on a further occasion.


My Lords, this is not an occasion on which we can discuss the merits of the policy adopted by Her Majesty's Government in relation to the Bamangwato tribe. Clearly, as has just been said by the noble and learned Earl the Leader of the Opposition, lawful authority must be maintained, and the matters at issue cannot be allowed to be settled by rioting, particularly since on this occasion it has involved the lamentable deaths of three members of the police force. At the same time it must not be assumed that, in maintaining silence to-day, those who sit on these Benches, and Liberal opinion in the country, support the policy of an inverted colour bar such as was adopted by the late Government and is still being continued by Her Majesty's present Government.


My Lords, I would say only this in answer to the two noble Lords who have spoken. I do not agree that Her Majesty's Government have no constructive policy. In my view, if I may say so—and I do not want to say anything provocative—it was the lack of constructive policy on the part of the late Government at an earlier stage that produced this unhappy position. Our constructive policy is, first of all, to secure the election of a new Chief, and I believe that that can be achieved. I should like to emphasise once again that these troubles, lamentable though they are, were the work of a small faction of the tribe.