§ Report from the Special Orders Committee, That they have examined the Special Order as required by the Standing Orders of the House; that they have received and considered a Report from the Minister of Fuel and Power upon the Order; that Petitions against the Order have been presented by the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford and the Oxford Corporation; that they have heard the parties thereon; and that having considered the points referred to in subsection (6) of Standing Order 216 they consider that the Order raises an important question of policy and principle, and they are of opinion that there ought to be a further inquiry by a Select Committee: Read and agreed to.
§ Report from the Committee of Selection, That the Lords following be proposed to the House to form the Select Committee for the consideration of the said Special Order—namely:
- V. Allenby,
- L. Saltoun,
- L. Faringdon,
- L. Amulree,
- L. Kershaw (Chairman):
§ Agreed to, and the said Lords appointed accordingly.
§ House adjourned at half past five o'clock.