§ EARL FORTESCUEMy Lords, I beg to ask the first question standing in the name of my noble friend, Lord Barnby.
§ [The question was as follows:
§ To ask His Majesty's Government, whether they can state what steps are being taken to encourage and facilitate the use of the machinery provided in S.R.O. (1614) 1945 in regard to the establishment of new research associations; what steps will be taken to consult industry before permanent legislation is introduced to deal with this matter, and whether such legislation will take the form of a separate and distinct Bill or whether it will form part of the Industrial Enabling Bill referred to in the gracious Speech.]
§ LORD CHORLEYMy Lords, preliminary discussions have taken place with the wool, building, ironfoundry and silk industries about the use of the Defence (Services for Industry) Regulations, 1945, to further industrial research. In general, however, the development of arrangements of the kind contemplated by these Regulations has awaited the reports of the working parties set up by my right honourable and learned friend the President of the Board of Trade. All the reports so far received recommend the use of a compulsory levy to support scientific research. The proposals of these working parties on this, as on other matters, will fall to be dealt with under the legislation announced in the gracious Speech, which is intended to supersede the Defence (Services for Industry) Regulations. My right honourable and learned 629 friend is in touch with organizations representative of both sides of industry with regard to the proposed legislation.