HL Deb 08 November 1944 vol 133 cc925-7

My Lords, I think before we proceed it might be to the convenience of the House if I consulted your Lordships about the further business with regard to this Bill. As your Lordships know, our original intention was to get through the Committee stage by this evening, and in that case the Bill as amended in Committee would be in the hands of your Lordships by to-morrow night. There would then be enough time to consider any Amendments which you might wish to put down in time for us to take the Report stage on Monday next. Then we should have taken the Third Reading on Tuesday next. We have made quite satisfactory progress so far, but it is just possible that we may not get through the Committee stage to-day. In that case the Bill as amended in Committee would not be in your Lordships' hands until Friday, and that would hardly give enough time for noble Lords to put down Amendments for the Report stage on Monday. In that event, I would suggest with all deference that the best course would be to cancel the meeting of the House on Monday and to meet on Tuesday at 12 o'clock, and to take the Report stage and Third Reading on the same day. We have to get the Bill through by Tuesday, and it would be impossible, if we do not sit on Monday, to allow two days for Report and Third Reading. I do not wish, by anything I have said, to give noble Lords any encouragement to prolong the debate in Committee. It would be much more satisfactory to all concerned if we could get through the Committee stage this evening and I hope that will be done. But if we are unable to complete the Committee stage to-day, I suggest that we must cancel the Monday sitting and take Report and Third Reading on Tuesday.


My Lords, I anticipated that the noble Viscount the Leader of the House would make this suggestion, and as far as I and my friends are concerned we will do our best to fall in with his views.


Might I ask when it is proposed to take the Prolongation of Parliament Bill?


That I understand will be taken to-morrow. If the Committee stage of the Town and Country Planning Bill remains over, that must take precedence, but of course if the Committee stage is completed to-day that will make the situation very much easier. It will be taken to-morrow.


Might I ask another question? Is it proposed to take the Bill for the establishment of a Ministry of Social Security this Session If so, perhaps the noble Lord would tell us when.


It will be taken next week, but I would not like to go further than that to-day. It is suggested that it might be taken on Tuesday, but we have already got the Third Reading of this Bill for that day and it might not be possible, in addition, to complete so important a measure on Tuesday. I would like to consult the Labour and Liberal Leaders about that.


The noble Lord will realize that I have no desire to make difficulties at all but the Report and Third Reading of this Bill might take considerable time. Of course the Prolongation of Parliament Bill does not greatly concern this House and discussion of it might not take long, but the other measure is a matter of considerable importance and should not, I think, be passed without at all events a reasonable amount of discussion.


Your Lordships will remember that that measure has not yet come to us from the other place and the date when we can take it is dependent on when it is sent up to us.