HL Deb 29 July 1942 vol 124 c58

My Lords, the object of the proposed Amendments to Standing Orders which I am about to move is to allow shareholders in companies more opportunity for learning the purpose of Private Bills before the statutory Wharnecliffe meeting takes place. With your Lordships' permission I will move them en bloc.

Moved, That the Standing Orders relative to Private Bills, etc., be amended as follows:

Standing Order No. 71,

Page 38, line 37, after "situate" insert "the first of such insertions being not earlier than the fourth day of December"

Page 38, line 41, leave out "ten" and insert "twenty-one"

Page 38, line 42, after "meeting" insert "stating the offices at which copies of the Bill may be inspected and obtained, and"

Page 39, line 8, leave out "seventh" and insert "twenty-first"

Page 39, line 8, leave out "last" and insert "first"

Page 39, line 42, at end insert:

Provided that in the case of a Bill for which the Petition is deposited or proposed to be deposited after the twenty-seventh day of November the foregoing provisions of this Order shall apply subject to the following modifications—

  1. (a) the first insertion of the advertisement calling the meeting shall be not earlier than the date of the deposit of such Petition; and
  2. (b) the circular to proprietors shall be sent by post or delivered not earlier than the date specified in the notice containing a concise summary of the purposes of the Bill as the date on which copies of the Bill may be inspected and obtained.—(Lord Stanmore.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.

Standing Orders amended accordingly, and to be printed as amended.