HL Deb 14 July 1942 vol 123 cc801-2

My Lords. I beg to ask the question standing in my name.

[The question was as follows:

To ask His Majesty's Government to give an up-to-date list of foodstuffs which are subsidized by the Government and in each case the amount of the subsidy.]


My Lords, the list of foodstuffs which are being subsidized through my Department, and the amount of the subsidy in each case, vary constantly. In these circumstances, the most useful information which I can give my noble friend is based on the last quarter of the last financial year. During the period 1st January to 31st March, 1942, the cost of food subsidies, including freight and marine war risk insurance, was at the rate of £127,000,000 per annum after allowing for the profits (approximately £10,000,000) realized on certain commodities which are not subsidized. The principal foodstuffs which were subsidized during this period, and the annual rate of subsidy in each case, were as follows:—Flour, bread, oatmeal, and animal, feeding stuffs, £40,000,000; meat, £23,000,000 (of which approximately 25 per cent. was in respect of the pre-war cattle subsidy); potatoes, £20,000,000; sugar, £13,000,000 (of which approximately 50 per cent. was the beet sugar subsidy); milk, £2,000,000; National Milk and other milk schemes, £18,000,000; eggs, £11,000,000; tea, £3,000,000; milk products, bacon and ham, carrots, and various small items, £7,000,000. This policy has largely contributed to stabilizing the cost of living.


I thank my noble friend for his reply.