HL Deb 01 December 1942 vol 125 cc340-1

Order of the Day for the consideration of the First Report from the Select Committee read.

The Committee reported as follows:

1.—A.R.P. Palace of Westminster.

The Committee sanctioned the appointment and rate of pay of firemen for fire guard duty in the Palace of Westminster as recommended by the Fire Committee.

2.—Gratuity to Widow of Doorkeeper.

The Committee were informed of the death of Thomas Patten Scarborough, a doorkeeper in the Department of the Black Rod, on August 12, 1942, after 16 years' service, and sanctioned the payment of a gratuity to his widow under Section 2 of the Superannuation Act, 1909.

3.—Gratuity to Widow of Custodian.

The Committee sanctioned the payment of a gratuity under Superannuation Acts, 1887 and 1914, to Mrs. Trudgell, widow of Harry Trudgell, Custodian, who died on October 17, 1942. Mr. Trudgell had completed 20 years' service at the date of death.

4.—Residence—Palace of Westminster.

The Lord Great Chamberlain informed the Committee of proposals for the occupation by the Lord Chancellor of the flat until recently occupied by the Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod.

5.—Estimate 1943

The Estimate for 1943 was laid before the Committee and approved.


The Sub-Committee on the Refreshment Department was reappointed as follows: The Earl of Lucan, the Lord Hare (Earl of Listowel), the Lord Stanmore, the Lord Jessel, the Lord Atkin, the Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede, with the Lord Great Chamberlain, with the Clerk of the Parliaments.

The Library Sub-Committee was reappointed as follows: The Marquess of Crewe, the Earl of Ilchester, the Earl of Onslow, the Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, the Lord Stanmore, the Lord Atkin, the Lord Macmillan, the Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede, with the Clerk of the Parliaments.


My Lords, I beg to move that the first Report of the Select Committee be considered and approved. I have only one observation to make, and that is with reference to the Library Sub-Committee. I understand from my noble friend the Earl of Listowel, that as he has a great many preoccupations at the present time he finds it difficult to attend meetings of this Sub-Committee. Lord Southwood has intimated that he would be willing to take his place, and I therefore venture to move the Report, with the substitution of the name of Lord Southwood for that of the noble Earl. I beg to move.

Moved, That the Report be now considered and agreed to; and that the Lord Southwood be named of the Library Sub-Committee in place of the Lord Hare (Earl of Listowel).—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.