HL Deb 06 September 1939 vol 114 cc1014-6

Order of the day for the Second Reading read.

3.52 p.m.


My Lords, the main purpose of this Bill is to safeguard the position of members of a police force or a fire brigade who may serve in His Majesty's forces during the present war. The Bill deals also with some minor points in relation to police and fire services on which emergency legislation is required. Broadly speaking, the provision to be made for the police and firemen is similar to that being made for other services. This Bill closely follows the Order made under the Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Act. As regards pay, the police authority or the fire authority are empowered under Clause 1 of the Bill to make the service pay of a policeman or fireman who joins His Majesty's forces up to the rate of pay which he would have received in the police force or fire brigade. Where this is done the appropriate superannuation deductions, amounting to five per cent. of the pay, are to be made.

As regards superannuation, the position is slightly more complicated than is the case with regard to other services. Clause 4 of the Bill provides that if a policeman or fireman who has joined His Majesty's forces is killed or disabled, he or his dependants shall be entitled to the benefit which would have been payable under the existing law if he had died or retired in consequence of an injury received otherwise than in the execution of his duty as a policeman or fireman. The clause also provides that the police or fire authority may in their discretion make a grant at a higher rate so as to bring any grant payable from Navy, Army or Air Force funds up to the special rate of pension or allowance which would be payable if the man had died or been disabled from the result of an injury not of an accidental kind received in the execution of his duty. The only other provisions of the Bill to which I need refer are those contained in Clause 10 which suspend the right of a member of a police force or fire brigade to retire on pension without a medical certificate except with the consent of the appropriate authority, and Clause 11 which provides that a war injury suffered by a member of a police force or a fire brigade while on duty shall be deemed to be non-accidental and it will therefore attract the maximum rate of pension. I beg to move.

Moved, That the Bill be now read 2a.—(Earl De La Warr.)

On Question, Bill read 2a: Committee negatived. Then, Standing Order No. XXXIX having been suspended, Bill read 3a: Amendments (Privilege) made: Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.