HL Deb 24 November 1937 vol 107 c257

My Lords, I rise to ask the Leader of the House a question of which I have given him private notice—namely, are His Majesty's Government in a position to make a statement regarding the recent visit of the Lord President of the Council to Germany?


My Lords, as my right honourable friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer informed another place on November 12, my visit was entirely private and unofficial. It had, however, as your Lordships are probably aware, been [...]nged that I should see Herr Hitler, which I accordingly did on November 19 at Berchtesgaden, being accompanied by Baron Von Neurath, the German Foreign Minister. During my visit, I also had the opportunity of meeting General Göring, Dr. Goebbels, and other prominent leaders in Germany. These conversations were of a confidential character, and the House will not, I am sure, expect me to make any further statement in regard to them at this stage. His Majesty's Government are satisfied, however, that the visit has been valuable in furthering the desire, which I believe to be generally felt in both countries, for the establishment of closer mutual understanding.

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