HL Deb 01 June 1937 vol 105 cc316-7

My Lords, I have to acquaint the House that by virtue of the power granted to me as Lord Chancellor by the Statute 5 George IV, Chapter 82, Section 3, I have appointed Robert Leslie Overbury, Esquire, to be your Lordships' Clerk Assistant in the place of the late Montagu Ronald Alfred Muir Mackenzie, Esquire. Mr. Overbury has been Reading Clerk and Clerk of Outdoor Committees since June, 1934. For many years before that he was one of the officials in the Lord Chancellor's Department, filling successively there the posts of Secretary of Commissions of the Peace and Chief Clerk and Establishment Officer. I beg to move: That this House do approve the appointment of Robert Leslie Overbury, Esquire, to be their Lordships' Clerk Assistant in the room of the late Montagu Ronald Alfred Muir Mackenzie, Esquire.

Moved accordingly, and, on Question, Motion agreed to nemine dissentiente.