HL Deb 22 July 1937 vol 106 cc921-2

THE CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES (THE EARL OF ONSLOW) moved that the Lord President be added to the Select Committee on House of Lords Offices. The noble Earl said: My Lords, it is a Standing Order of your Lordships' House that when the Lord President is a member of this House he should be a member of your Lordships' Offices Committee. My noble friend Viscount Halifax, as Lord Privy Seal, which office he filled until recently, was a member of the Committee, but when he became Lord President he ceased to be a member, and it was necessary, therefore, in accordance with the Standing Order, and, I am sure, in accordance with the wish of your Lordships, to move that he be added thereto.

Moved, That the Lord President be added to the Select Committee on House of Lords Offices.—(The Earl of Onslow.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.