HL Deb 24 June 1936 vol 101 cc197-8

Order of the Day read for the House to be put into Committee on re-commitment of the Bill.

Moved, That the House do now resolve itself into Committee.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

House in Committee accordingly:

[The EARL OF ONSLOW in the Chair.]


I beg to move that in the case of this Bill also the Amendments proposed by the Joint Committee on Consolidations Bill be agreed to en bloc.

Amendments moved—

Clause 12, page 13, line 6, leave out (" is satisfied ") and insert (" certifies ")

Clause 12, line 27, leave out (" is satisfied ") and insert (" certifies ")

Clause 13, page 14, line 19, leave out from (" (2) ") to (" all ") in line 20.

Clause 15, page 16, line 14, after (" particulars ") insert (" for the purposes of this Act ")

Clause 17, page 17, lines 41 and 42, leave out (" who under this section are ") and insert (" who being persons employed in an employment which is an excepted employment by virtue of a certificate given under paragraph (b) or paragraph (c) of Part II of the First Schedule to the Insurance Act, are under this section ")

Clause 21, page 22, line 5, after (" any ") insert (" other ")

Clause 27, page 27, line 8, leave out (" unemployment ") and after (" under ") insert (" Part III of the ")

Clause 28, page 27, line 29, after (" desire ") insert (" in consequence of the provisions of this Act ")

page 28, line 19, after (" objection ") insert (" so made ")

page 29, line 14, after (" objection ") insert (" so made ")

Clause 30, page 31, line 22, leave out from (" respects ") to (" any ") in line 23.

Clause 31, page 33, line 8, after (" to ") insert (" the ")

Clause 31, lines 8 and 9, leave out (" in cases of fraud and in other cases ") and insert (" of sums overpaid ")

Clause 32, page 35, line 8, after (" any ") insert (" other ")

Clause 38, page 40, lines 14 to 17, leave out paragraph (b) and insert: (" (b) in any other case as part of the general expenses of the council. ")

Clause 44, page 44, line 37, leave out (" for Scotland ").—(Viscount Gage.)

On Question, Amendments agreed to.