HL Deb 29 July 1936 vol 102 cc325-6

Clause 269, page 174, line 7, at end insert (" or, as the case may be, shall be repealed as respects the district of that authority ").

Clause 298, page 189, line 4, leave out from the first (" or ") to end of clause, and add (" a council or a body whose function it is to enforce the provisions or by-laws in question, or by whom or by whose predecessors the by-law in question was made ")

Clause 333, page 204, line 19, leave out (" or ")

Clause 333, page 204, line 19, at end insert (" or lock, or any land which belongs to dock undertakers and is held or used by them for the purposes of their undertaking.")

Clause 343, page 210, leave out lines 6 to 8.


The next two Amendments are drafting, but on Clause 333 there is a slight Amendment to meet the representations of the dock and harbour boards. Again, on Clause 343, page 210, there is a drafting Amendment. I beg to move that these Amendments be agreed to down to and including Clause 343, page 210, lines 6 to 8.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Viscount Gage.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.