HL Deb 29 July 1936 vol 102 cc324-5

[The references are to Bill No. 153.]

Clause 9, page 8, line 4 at end, insert:

("(3) Any reference in this Act to an order constituting a port health district, united district, or joint board shall be construed as including a reference to any order made under this section for the amendment of the original order.")

Clause 45, page 34, line 40, at end, insert ("or of their decision to address their notice to him and not to the occupier or, as the case may he, the owner of the building.")

Clause 67, page 52, line 34, leave out from ("and") to ("shall") in line 35 and insert ("the Minister's decision")

Clause 83, page 61, line 40, at end insert (" or of their decision to address their notice to him and not to the occupier or, as the case may be, the owner of the premises.")

Clause 89, page 65, line 27, at end insert ("or of their decision to address their notice to him and not to the occupier or, as the case may be, the owner of the premises.")

Clause 90, page 65, line 31, at end insert ("'cesspool' includes a settlement tank or other tank for the reception or disposal of foul matter from buildings")

Clause 90, page 66, line 16, after ("water") insert ("either")

Clause 90, page 66, line 17, at end insert (" or by automatic action ")

Clause 107, page 77, line 29, leave out the second (" by ")

Clause 161, page 115, line 8, leave out (" a ") and insert (" the ")

Clause 170, page 119, line 18, leave out (" local authority ") and insert (" council ")

Clause 172, page 120, line 39, after (" making ") insert (" an ")

Clause 175, page 122, line 23, leave out from the second (" of ") to (" so ") in line 27, and insert (" the Seamen's Special Fund for which provision is made, by Section one hundred and thirty-eight of the National Health Insurance Act, 1936 ")

Clause 175, page 122, line 32, leave out (" 1921 ") and insert (" 1936 ")

Clause 180, page 124, line 22, at end insert:

(" (3) This section, except in so far as it relates to appointments in connection with the treatment of tuberculosis, shall extend to London.")


My Lords, the large majority of those Amendments are of a drafting or technical nature, and I think it would probably suit your convenience if I moved such as were of that kind en bloc. I think the first Amendment where there is a small point, which slightly alters the Bill, is on Clause 269. Therefore, with your Lordships' permission, I will move that this House doth agree with all the Commons Amendments before Clause 269.

Moved, That this House doth agree with the Commons in the said Amendments.—(Viscount Gage.)

On Question, Motion agreed to.